Fab Lab – Eco Furniture Factory

Coventry has a large industrial heritage; FabLab Coventry will build upon this heritage through advanced manufacturing to provide people of Coventry with the opportunity to turn ideas into reality.

In recognition of the need to live more sustainable lives, FabLab Coventry has set up a second facility, aimed a supporting people to gain skills and inspiration from giving old materials and waste, a second, third or fourth life by transforming them into new products.

In line with the FabLab ethos, the Eco Furniture Factory helps us to further grow the Coventry maker community by providing individuals with the opportunity to meet and work on projects with new people, to learn new skills, gain qualifications or start up an Eco-enterprise.
The furniture factory, based in, FarGo Village, aims to support local people to grow an Eco Village by piloting and starting up new projects and businesses that take the waste and transform it into new products for personal use, sale or community donation.
Training is provided in sustainable fashion, jewellery making, DIY, carpentry, painting and decorating, furniture upcycling, renovation and repair to name a few.
We also have opportunities to volunteer in our home and community makeover projects