Sustainability & Environmental Policy

Sustainability & Environmental Policy


As busy creative hub, venue, and workplace for more than 40 businesses we take our impact on the environment very seriously and realise we need to work with and support our community here to do the same.



Most of our site has been redeveloped using  abandoned warehouse space in need of regeneration and restoration. Our ‘Container Alley’ is created using 12 recycled shipping containers.  Local suppliers are used in the development of any further building work where possible, and it is always a priority to try and reuse materials or source reclaimed materials when we make improvements and repairs.



We have partnered with local family run waste disposal company Fortress who are a carbon neutral company using the most advanced recycling system in Europe to ensure only the minimum amount goes to landfill when there is no possible alternative.

On site we provide separator waste bins so customers can easily help us to recycle.

All our food businesses have grease traps fitted to prevent fats, oils, grease and starch going into the water system and causing blockages and pollution and this waste is taken away by specialists who can recycle the oil into fuel.



FarGo is known for its vintage clothing markets, vinyl, and antiques traders, as well as unique hand-crafted pieces. We’re proud to also be home to unique small businesses that up-cycle old pieces and save them from landfill, repair workshops and more. We also choose to work with businesses with a focus on sustainability, vegan dining and brewing and living healthy active lifestyles.



Our location is city centre based, so we have created pockets of planting to attract bees, butterflies, and bugs and to process some of the carbon produced on local roads, this is continually developing and taking up more space.

We are currently working with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust on some local walks, the launch of the City Nature Challenge and the I-naturalist app to help identify plants and wildlife in the local area. We will also host their River Festival in the autumn.



We recently installed sliding doors to the market hall and extra installation in other building with the help of a carbon reduction grant to regulate the temperature and reduce energy use.

We are looking at more ways to add extra greenery and planting to create a wildlife corridor between local green spaces at Charterhouse Fields and Gosford Green



We’re committed to protecting the environment from the impacts of our operations and will achieve this through the continual improvement of the environmental management system to enhance environmental performance.

  • reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency across our buildings
  • Working towards the procurement of energy from renewable sources
  • Using local suppliers to avoid fuel consumption.
  • Promoting walking, public transport and  the safe cycle routes to our site  providing safe places to lock bikes.

We recognise the importance of taking action to address to direct and indirect emissions and to work with the businesses on site and partnering with us to share our values and take similar action.

  • become advocates, providing example and leadership for others to take environmental action
  • incorporate environmental sustainability into the creative process; into the stories we tell and how we tell them
  • promote environmentally sustainable procurement
  • efficiently manage the consumption and disposal of resources across all operations to:
    • Eliminate, where possible, and reduce waste production
    • Maximise reuse and recycling
    • Achieve zero waste to landfill